Biomedical Consultation
After the initial diagnosis, there are specific laboratory tests that can be very helpful in either checking for other medical conditions (that could be exacerbating the autistic behavior) or defining underlying biomedical problems. We find that some of the core problems in autism include toxicity (including elevated levels of heavy metals, pesticides, and other chemicals), inflammation (potentially in the gastrointestinal tract and brain), oxidative stress (damage to tissue caused by free radicals, which are neutralized by antioxidants such as vitamins C and E), impaired glutathione production (which is the body’s main natural detoxifier and antioxidant) and impaired mitochondrial function (which are responsible for producing ATP, or energy).
During initial consultation that lasts an hour, we will review your child medical information, his skills and deficits; then we will design a comprehensive treatment plan specific for your child needs and level of functioning.
Each child with autism is unique and treatment is very individualized.
Gut Protocols Including Fecal Microbiota Transplant
Many studies have shown alteration in the composition of fecal flora in children with autism. Maternal factors such as diet, delivery mode, postnatal factors (antibiotic use, breastfeeding and infant diet) affect the microbiome. For example, children delivered vaginally tend to have mom’s vaginal bacteria (lactobacillus, prevotella…), while C-section babies tend to have their mother’s skin bacteria (Staph, corynebacterium, Propionibacterium). New studies are linking Prevotella to better social interactions.
Children treated with antibiotics in the first few years in life have less diverse gut flora. Antibiotics use during pregnancy is also linked to increased risk for autism.
Over the last decade, the gut-brain connection has become more widely accepted. Candida albicans release ammonia and other toxins, which are responsible for the “yeasty behaviors” such as inappropriate laughter, hyperactivity, jumping/climbing, inattention, bedwetting, loud squealing, eczema, itching around the genitals. As we can see, abnormal gut bacteria affect brain function. By treating dysbiosis, we lower neuroinflammation and symptoms of autism decrease.
Gut interventions include:
- Diet
- GFCFSF- basic healing diet
- SCD- helps with yeast overgrowth
- GAPS= SCD+bone broth to heal gut inflammation
- Feingold diet: low salicylates, phenols and food additives
- Carnivore diet: help with attention, and cellular repair.
- Prebiotic- Nemecheck protocol
- Fecal microbiota transplant (FMT)
- provide microbiota diversity, heal inflammation in the gut and the brain, heal candida overgrowth.
- As a clinical partner with Novel biome, we provide top-tier FMT solutions that have been proven to be safe and effective in children with autism.
Heavy Metal Detoxification
Multiples studies have found that children with autism have high levels of heavy metal in the blood and tissues including mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminum, arsenic etc. This is the result of high level of exposure in utero and defect in methylation. Detoxification is a crucial part of biomedical treatment and usually improves brain function. A study done in Egypt with 44 children with autism showed a high level
of urine excretion of mercury and cadmium after administration of a chelator called DMSA, as well as improved in autism symptoms.
There are many protocols for detoxification, but it important to find the appropriate one based on the child heavy metal profile (hair metal test, provoked urine metal test, blood heavy metal test). It is also important to prepare the body for detoxification (address channelopathies, Gut issues, support methylation and treat mitochondrial dysfunction.
Some detox protocols include:
- Klinghard detox protocol
- Zeolites
- IV chelation
- Detox baths and sauna
Supporting Methylation and addressing mitochondrial dysfunction
Methylation is crucial for optimal health. It controls gene activation or suppression. It is also responsible for detoxification. It builds neurotransmitters for brain function, processes hormone and help produce energy in the cells.
Undermethylation has been linked to various cancers and multiple neuroimmune syndromes such as depression, ADHD, dementia, chronic fatigue syndrome, tic disorders, coronary artery disease, Rheumatoid arthritis, autism, delayed growth, IBS, POTS disease, allergies etc.
Appropriate supplementation with proper methylated vitamins and nutrients will bypass genetic and acquired deficits and restore appropriate function of the pathway. This is why many children with autism showed improvement in language and cognition with methylated B12 injections.
Studies showed that many children with autism have some degree of mitochondrial dysfunction, resulting in gut dysmotility, thyroid disorder, adrenal insufficiency, immune system dysfunction, cerebral folate deficiency, seizures, and abnormal brain development.
Supplement uses for methylation include Vitamin B12 (injections, oral, topical), methyl-folate or high dose folinic acid, other B vitamins, glutathione, or precursor of glutathione.
Symptoms of mitochondrial dysfunction include low muscle tone, lack of energy or drive, weak core, difficulty with gross motor skills.
Some supplements that address mitochondrial dysfunction include Coq10, levocarnitine/acetyl-l-carnitine, R-ALA, creatine, L-arginine, B vitamins.
Mold Illness, Pans, Pandas
Mold and mycotoxins are immunosuppressive. This makes the body more vulnerable to infections such as Lyme, viruses and chronic strep. Mold exposure can be a contributing factor to autism in some kids and can hinder the effects of other biomedical interventions. Furthermore, children with autism have an impaired ability to detoxify, making them more susceptible to mold illness.
Possible symptoms of mold illness are rashes, eczema, chronic fatigue, headaches, histamine intolerance, insomnia, leaky gut, frequent viral infections, frequent urination, depression, anxiety, memory loss.
The most reliable way to know if mold is a contributing factor to your child autism is the look for water damage in the house and perform a mycotoxin profile on your child. If both are present, consult a mold
literate provider to help you, as dealing with mold can be very daunting.